The Biocraft Repair Manual


THE FIXER -- A New Self-transformation Program Unveiled!
by Orfeo Jiva
[Trance-Fixed by PC93]

Self-transformation through so-called 'self-help'systems is nothing new - Psycho-Cybernetics, Scientology, Yoga and Transcendental Meditation being cases in point - but a system which uses your computer as your counselor, your Guru, is a timely innovation indeed! Computer buffs - even the novice home computerist - can now re-build or create anew their personal realities through a meaningful dialog with their home computers.

In this, the third in my series of articles on Cybernautics, I'll be introducing THE FIXER, the latest of the programs available for QLink users here in the Astrology/Humanology club. [CYBERNAUTICS --self-controlled self- navigation-- is the name I have given to the philosophy and psychology systems which have emerged from my research in computer consciousness.] These programs range from divination and oracle programs to psychological self- transformation systems; all of which use the computer as the primary tool. It's a kind of 'computer yoga' that translates universal metaphysics into electronic media. Although my sources are in the traditional Hindu/Buddhist and Theosophical philosophies, many new and startling 'revelations' have emerged from these experiments. (Warm Fuzzies would say I've 'channeled' these innovations!) However these programs are coming to me, I'm offering them to the users on QLink as public domain material after I've tested them on myself and my friends. I invite feedback from users and will be happy to respond to EMail questions and comments.

THE FIXER is one of several programs which emerged as it became clear to me that my reality could be changed by programmed introspection and self- analysis. Divination systems such as Astrology, I Ching and the Tarot are used by many people --wrongly, I believe-- to peek behind the scenes at the cosmic plan the gods have in store for them. The assumption is that our lives are influenced and controlled by outside (invisible) forces. We are puppets dancing to the choreography of the stars! We consult an astrologer when we want to find out 'what will happen TO us in the future', or we want to learn why we have certain personality traits which were imposed upon us through the accident of birth under a certain 'sign'. Actually, we wrote the 'programs' by which our life situations are created; we made a 'contract', so to speak, for our life scenarios which is 'recorded' in the chronography of the planets, and which may be read and interpreted through the science of Astrology. Nobody is doing things TO us; we're doing it to ourselves! If there is one simple fundamental principle of CYBERNAUTICS it is this:


Most people are not satisfied with who and what they are; most are not content with what breaks life has given them. "I'm too fat; I'm not smart enough." "I've had a lot of bad luck; people have done terrible things to me." They think they can change themselves through WILL power, and most often give up on trying to change the world. When E finally came to believe that E made myself thu way E am und E created thee circumstances of my life, E realized that, if we didn't like thu way things are, we could change them. Thu trouble iz that we forget the 'programs' we wrote way back in our childhood which created thu reality we live in now. "It seemed like a good idea at the time," is a popular phrase which expresses this catch 22 in our present circumstances. It seemed like a good idea when I was a child to want to grow up to be a fireman! I wonder how many firemen are discovering today that they would really rather be something else! (no slur against firemen is intended, please) It's just that the glamour and excitement of a fireman's life WAS an appropriate goal for a child, but for the adult, something else might be more appropriate. To be locked in to a program written under one circumstance and carried out under another is unfortunate. Yet that is what we all do. YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT, and YOU'RE GOT BY WHAT YOU WANTED! Some people say it another way; "Be careful what you want... you're liable to get it!"

Through thee analog ov computer technology E came to understand how thee programming in childhood works. Technology imitates life in some amazing ways! We have projected our own physiology and psychology into thee design ov our machines --especially in our computers-- and we can derive some very useful insights into our own 'operating systems' by seeing them mirrored in our machines. If we look for thee corresponding program logic in ourselves, certain principles --which form thee basis of Cybernautics-- coum to light. Superimposing thee model of thu computer over thee brain/mind system revealed to us some easily understood mechanisms with which E could work. Thu computer is a metaphor! Dr. John Lilly, in his "Programming and Metaprogramming of thu Human Bio-computer" pioneered this computer analogy concept and waz a profound influence on my work. E recommend for anyone interested in thee deeper levels of this work to read Lilly's books. Thu metaphor, az E use it, goes like this: Thu human being is a SELF (soul --if you prefer) in a body. Thu body is a 'smart' machine, a brain/body spacecraft for thee SELF to use in thu terrestrial biosphere. Thus I call thu body a 'BIOCRAFT' while thee SELF might be called the 'Pilot' --or 'PSYCHENAUT'. The BIOCRAFT includes thu personality, thee mind ov thu individual. The SELF is beyond our description, an 'E' sense above and beyond the personna it wears. We communicate through thee personna mask ov thee Biocraft, and rarely catch glimpses ov thee elusive spirit pilot within. For most ov us, thu Biocraft is in charge ov things 99% of thee time; thee Biocraft on automatic pilot while thee Psychonaut lies in frozen sleep within. HAL iz in command, and doing az he pleases! Eou are asleep at thee wheel, and eour 'smart' drive is navigating itself using old programs! In eour bio-computer eou have soumthing corresponding to thee two memory systems in your PC; RAM and ROM. RAM memory (Random Access Memory) is what eou use in daily consciousness --temporary instructions, ideas and commands. In me PC E have a 10MB RAM 'scratchpad' on which E can list instructions and notes which are temporary, but which will vanish thee moment E turn off thu computer. (Ov course E can store them on disk while me computer 'sleeps'and evoke them thu next day.) In eour brain these RAM notes live on thu surface ov consciousness, and only if reinforced and repeated often enough, become ROM (Read Only Memory). Az eou know, thu ROM memory ov eour PC iz permanent and fixed; eou can't change it. (E realize there are exceptions, butter for thee most part it may be considered unchangeable). ROM memory contains thu operating system, thu logic algorhythms and thee language interpreters for eour computer. Thee programs in RAM becoum operational through thee ROM system. RAM instructions can only work if they are in accord with ROM rules and logic. In EOUR bio-computer, then, a RAM 'want' iz easily superceded by ROM logic --if it iz counter to those rules and logic-- and will 'crash' eour system.

Eour biocraft ROM may be likened to eour Unconcscious Mind -- Subconscious-- (Although E dislike those mis-leading names) and iz normally inaccessable by way ov eour Conscious mind. But eour every thought and action iz influenced and controlled by those ROM rules and logic. In eour PC, those ROM logic patterns were 'burned in' at thee factory, and no matter how many times eou run a RAM program eou will not alter thu ROM one whit. However, in the human bio-computer, thu ROM logic system haz been burned in over thu years by thee RAM programs running through it. [Akin to an EPROM chip). All those commands, rules, taboos and instructions Eou received over thee years from Eour parents, teachers and preachers were burned in az your logic system-- WHEN EOU ACCEPTED THEM! [That last --eour acceptance-- iz what makes them Eour responsibility.] 'They don't becoum EOURS until EOU say they're EOURS;' Butter all ov those rules, commands and laws run eour life, and in spite ov eour best intentions, eour conscious RAM resolutions will only work if they are in line with eour ROM rules. In Cybernautics, we call those rules and logic systems; ATTRACTORS. Beyond eour personal characteristics, eour way ov life; eour ROM attractors create thee EXTERNAL circumstances ov eour life! Eou attract, manipulate and create thu people and conditions in eour life. Az hard as that iz to accept, it iz TRUE! That's thu real principle ov KARMA. Once eou realize that eou made everything eou are and everything eou have eou also should realize that EOU CAN CREATE EOUR FUTURE exactly thee way eou want it. Eou do it by re-programming eour ROM attractors. And that's what thu FIXER program iz all about.

First you PEEK at your ROM attractors which relate to eour wants. Then eou erase thee negative attractors, and finally, eou put a new attractor in its place. Eou use eour WANT power--not Will power-- to install thee new attractor and energize it. THU FIXER program guides thee user through that process, a debugging program for thee humyn biocraft. Thee latest version ov that program has been uploaded to thee Humanology Software Library text files. A copy ov this article will also be uploaded for additional background material even though it iz not a required necessity for running thu FIXER. THEE FIXER was written using a Wordwriter 128 word processor but may be used on any word processor using sequential files. Thee user then works the program directly on his own word processor --like filling in thu blanks-- or if preferred, he prints it out and writes his answers on a separate notepad.

In a future article, E will describe how the program worked for me -- spectacularly!-- and give testimonials from others who have tested thee earlier version ov it. Izn't it time eou changed that universe eou made? Here's eour toolkit; get out ov thee mud and repair eour biocraft!


THE FIXER A Cybernautics
Program by Orfeo Jiva
In CYBERNAUTICS we learn that if thee circumstances ov our lives are not az we want them it iz because we created them back when conditions were different.
We wanted what we have, and now we're stuck with it... it seems!
Eou arranged what eou have; eou created it! Yes eou did!!
Don't protest that thee things bothering eou now were created by others. Eou aren't a victim ov circumstances; eou haven't had any bad luck. Nobody did it TO Eou! Eou did it! AND EOU CAN CHANGE IT.

In essence, each ov us has programmed his/her own life in detail by commands, rules and laws which have been chosen or accepted in thu past. Specifically, eou created thee rules and thu scenario that control eour life circumstances. [For those who believe in Karma and Reincarnation, this concept will make more sense. But eou don't have to be a believer to make this system work.] If we re-write our operating rules --our programs-- we can change our lives. It's just that simple! So E ask Eou to accept --as a working hypothesis only-- thee idea that:


E ask eou to 'go along with' thee basic premise here--even if eou believe that everything that has happened to eou was created by environment and circumstances external to Eourself-- and 'pretend' that what E say is true while eou do this exercise. Eou'll be investing a few hours in this, and if it doesn't work, then eou were right! But if it DOES work, eour life will be transformed!!! What have eou got to lose?

Eou've already loaded this file in eour word-processor and eou are looking at it on-screen. (This was written on a Word-Writer 128, by Timeworks, Inc., but other word-processors may be quite acceptable.) E will be asking eou a series of questions, followed by a detailed explanation for each. Eou then type in eour answers (pushing the rest of the text downscreen if eou need to) so that me text and eour answers become one complete document. As eou get thee hang ov it ov course, eou can flip back and forth to re-write and clarify things. When eou're done, E suggest eou print it out, and use thee final sections at least as a set of affirmations which will help to reinforce it on a daily basis until eour new program iz 'seated'. Here's thee first question:

Most people do not know what they REALLY want, many have a whole list ov wants they've never dared to ask for. So we start there! Make a list ov what eou want in eour life; short term, long term, big things, little things, objective possessions, subjective states ov mind, people, talents etc. Don't even consider whether they are possible or not. Just try to be specific rather than general. For example, don't say, "E want to be happy," or "E want to be rich." Be more specific.
(By thu way, if eou have only one WANT for eour list, eou're either already well focussed, or eou're too general. Eou decide which! If it'z the former, then write eour answer and skip to question 4. If it'z thee latter, then see if eou can re-write it in more specific form.)
E want.....
E want.....
E want.....
E want.....
E want.....
E want.....


Do eou have more than twenty? If so, eou probably have ome duplications. That iz, soum things may automatically be included in others. Check for redundancies and eliminate them if eou can. And while eou're at it, assign them priorities --on a scale ov one to ten, ten being the highest-- and put that number next to each. Look at each item; ask eourself, "Do E really want that; and how much do E want that?"
Now... go up to question 1 and edit eour list, adding a priority number to each.


Look again at eour priorities to see if they are based on:
what eour chances are ov getting them, whether eou think eou deserve them or not, or whether eou think they are possible or not. None ov these are usable categories! Remember, we're not talking about goals, wishes, options or hopes; we're talking about WANTS!
Pretend that eou could have any ONE thing on eour list tomorrow --but ONLY one-- and think about which one eou would choose; and revise eour priorities accordingly. Another question that ought to be asked about eour priorities; ARE THEY REALLY EOURS? Do eou want any ov these things because ov someone else's expectations? How much ov each priority iz really Mom's --or society's? Now fine tune eour priority numbers on thee list (question 1) and while eou're at it, throw out any WANTs that aren't eour own. Also, any that have a priority ov 5 or less; throw those out too. Just delete them. When eou're done, go on to number 4.


The chances are that eou didn't start wanting eour want today! Eou've probably been wanting it for a long time. Why haven't you gotten it? What has stopped eou? WHO has stopped eou? Waz it luck, chance, life circumstances, lack ov talent, externally imposed limits or soum person or persons that prevented eou from having what eou want? Eou may already be saying, "E prevented mEself from achieving me want!" Az true az that may be, let'z --just for now-- talk about circumstances beyond eour control. Leave eour own responsibility out ov it. While eou now may have the insight to realize that eou stopped eourself, that wazn't always the case. Eou told eourself that it was someone else's fault, or just thee 'breaks of thu game'. And eou believed that; part of eou still does! This, then, is thu complaint department! Let it all out. Eou can put the blame on thee arch villains who have thrown obstacles in eour path. Looking at each of eour wants, make a list ov these external reasons why eou don't have it right now. Use thee space at thu end ov thiz question; type in eour want, and then describe in detail every condition that has stopped eou. Name names! Put thee blame anywhere except in eourself! Only include eour own responsibility after eou've exhausted all other reasons. Izn't that thee way we usually do it anyway? Type it in right here, and don't forget to move thee text down if eou need more room ===>


5. What do eou REALLY want?
Eou began thiz project bi writing eour want list --short, one sentence statements. By now eou may have discovered that some ov those statements did not describe accurately what eou REALLY want. For instance, in step 4 above, waz one ov thee reasons why eou don't have eour want, "That wasn't exactly what E wanted"? Even if that didn't show up as one ov thu reasons, eou may be aware ov soum ov thee shortcoumings in eour descriptions ov what eou want. It'z time to fine-tune eour want list.
Thee Fixer operates on thu premise that eou get what eou want only after it is clearly focussed, accurately and sharply defined, and is not counteracted bi opposing wants. What eou have right now iz what eou have wanted --in spite ov what eou THINK eou wanted-- and those negative wants were obviously better focussed than thu ones eou are expressing today!
So now eou should go over each want and ask eourself if that perfectly describes it. We may even have thought of something that wasn't on eour list! Or we may have left thee most important one off because eou didn't believe eou could have it. It may seem like we're doing thu same thing over and over again; butter each time we dig a little deeper toward thu levels of eour being where reality is created. Take each ov thee surviving wants on eour list and rewrite it in an EXPANDED and detailed version. Start each one with, "What E REALLY want is....." What E REALLY want is (etc)


By now it should be apparent to eou that eou have had soum wants which contradicted some basic attractors by witch eou live.
Here's a rather mundane example:
>>> "E REALLY want a new car." <<< is/was opposed by thee following attractors in mE deeper unconscious.....
>>> It's cool to have a 'rambling wreck' for soumone like E who is an eccentric. <<<
>>> It is pretentious to drive a slick new car. <<<
>>> We're supposed to be a poor starving artists. <<<
>>> We am on a spiritual journey. E have renounced worldly things. <<<
>>> Engines and mechanical things always break down for E because they are gross material things. <<< >>> Thee mobility ov a reliable car would allow E to go places and do things that E thought E SHOULD; but E need car troubles as an excuse to stay home. <<< With all ov theze attractors in place --soum very deeply rooted in E unconscious-- how seriously do eou think E higher self would take E wish to have a nice new car? Do eou see what iz being unearthed here? Eou have a system ov rules, laws, taboos, truths by which eou have been living. We call these; ATTRACTORS. Attractors which contradict each other or which oppose your current wants are like 'BUGS' in eour life program. We are 'de-bugging' Eour programs now! In many cases these attractors are thee REAL wants, deep in eour unconscious, which have created what eou have now. And what we're looking for right now in this exercise are thee specific attractors eou have which relate to each want on eour list.
For each want, type in all thee attractors eou can think ov which relate to it in any way. Dig way back to eour earliest childhood memories. Thoze can be thee strongest; even though eou may think eou've forgotten them. Shake eour tree and see what dusty lawbooks fall from its branches. Don't judge them. Don't say, "Oh E don't believe in that old thing anymore!" No matter how ridiculous eou think they are, include them. First, type each want (this reinforces it), then list all the attractors which relate to it.


This iZ a tough one, maybe painful, too! But don't get lazy on E now! Dig in and do it!
For each ATTRACTOR, answer thee following questions: a. Where did eou first hear this... from whom? b. In what ways was it reinforced and bi what or whom? c. When did eou ACCEPT it; BELIEVE it? d. Have conditions --or eour understanding ov them--changed since then? e. Do eou still believe in thee attractor? Iz it right for NOW? f. In what ways iz it false, or wrong for eour present circumstances? This iz going to take a while, if eou do it right; and if eou haven't already done so, eou should have put aside all but eour one highest priority want --eou can come back and do others later-- and concentrate on just one WANT. This will clear eour obstacles. This is VERY important. Be thorough. Do it right!
Attractor 1:....a.
Attractor 2: a.


This iZ a deceptively simple step. But remember, eou can't get eour want az long az eou have attractors in effect which contradict it. Much ov what eou did in thee last step has probably reduced thee energy still in those old progs. Eou need now to eliminate them. Use thee following technique:
Go back to step 7 above, where eou first listed thee attractors. Mentally focus eourself into an 'erase' mode. Picture eourself inside a vast computer memory bank --eours-- pulling out defective memory (ROM) circuit boards. (remember 2001?)
[If eou know something about computers and programming, eou may understand thee principle operating here. RAM memory (Random Access Memory) iz what eou use in daily consciousness --temporary instructions, ideas (rem statements) and commands. In EOUR computer brain, RAM thoughts --if reinforced and repeated often enough-- becoum ROM memories (Read Only Memory). ROM memory iz used for eour operating system... eour rules, eour logic. Thus, a RAM 'want' iz easily superceded by ROM logic, or else simply 'crashes' your program! So thee idea here iz to reprogram eour ROM and then turn eour RAM 'want' into a ROM logic command.]
Now, with that image in eour mind, DELETE each negative unwanted attractor right off thu screen! As eou're doing it, say to eourself... "E CANCEL THIS ATTRACTOR. IT'S GONE; ERASED"
When eou are done, quickly go to # 9.


This should be more than a reason why eou think eou deserve to achieve eour want. It should be a statement which replaces thee attractors eou threw out, and one which makes eour want thee inevitable outcome.
In thee car example above, E might write: "E am a successful artist and a valuable humyn being. A new Chrysler (be specific) iz thee essential 'street- body' for me. E'm going to get me a new car!" Now that may seem to be a bit arrogant, but only if eou have an attractor in eour programming which says, "Asserting eour own worth is a sin of pride." Don't mistake healthy self- esteem for arrogance. It's okay to think well of eourself! Re-define eourself without thee limits eour parents, eour preachers, teachers and critics imposed on eou. (If eou BOUGHT THEIR programs for EOU, EOU should throw them out!) Then --if EOU still want eour want-- say so in an attractor which assumes it will be achieved. Be very clear and simple in writing eour want as part of eour new attractor. EOU ARE ASSUMING POWER FOCUS... FOCUSSING. ATTRACTOR:


This is thee final step. Eou should NOT end up with a set ov New Years resolutions, a super plan ov action or a new self-discipline regimen. Just wait, confidently, expectantly and watch it coum to eou. Don't scheme; don't plan; don't manipulate. When eour attractor is eour LAW, eour faith, eour truth; when eou believe in it more than eou believe in apple pie and thee American Way, then eou'll automatically do what has to be done to bring eour want home.
Don't WILL it to happen. WANT it. Obsessively want it. Will power is a lie; WANT power is unlimited. And just remember, eou'll get what eou want -- that's what Karma really is-- so be careful WHAT eou want. Don't blame E if eou don't want it when eou get it! Orfeo Jiva.

Brought to you
The Cyberpunk Project